Geomancy Consultant

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Secret Life Of Plants

Unless you've read "Secret Life of Plants" or seen the movie it would come as a surprise that plants have much more intelligence than we could ever imagine giving them credit for.

Kenny Ausubel is an award-winning social entrepreneur, author, journalist and filmmaker. He is the Founder and CEO of Bioneers, the internationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to disseminating breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. He launched the annual Bioneers Conference in 1990 with his business partner and wife Nina Simons, Bioneers Co-Founder and President.

Kenny is a writer, filmmaker and media professional. Since 2004, he has served as executive producer and co-writer of the award-winning international radio series The Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature. He acted as a central advisor to Leonardo DiCaprio’s feature documentary, The 11th Hour, and appears in the film.

He has written four books and edited several volumes of the Bioneers anthology book series. His most recent book Dreaming the Future: Re-imagining Civilization in the Age of Nature (Chelsea Green 2012) won the Nautilus Grand Gold prize in the Ecology-Environment category. He writes for the Huffington Post.

Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges.

Published on Nov 18, 2016
Opening remarks by Kenny Ausubel, Bioneers CEO and Founder.
This speech was given at the 2016 National Bioneers Conference.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Science of Feng Shui: How the Energy of Your Home Affects You

What do you think of when you think of home? Do you think of sleep after a long day of work? Spending time with your family? A space to wind down and entertain over the weekend? As we continue to grow and change, what home means for us may grow and change as well, yet some parts always remain the same.

As C.S. Lewis so beautifully puts:

“What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government etc. exist for 
except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes?”

A tradition that puts a lot of effort thinking about the home and other indoor spaces is Feng Shui. Some people say it’s just based on superstition. Others say that following it is important for wealth and prosperity. And some seek to understand what Feng Shui can reveal to us about our space design and its affect on our souls, especially based on current scientific research.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese practice, though some say it originated from India. It has specific laws and operates on the fact that furniture and decor, as well as the way that they’re arranged within our living spaces, affect our energy flows. These factors influence our thought processes and behaviour.

This connection affects aspects of our lives such as physical, spiritual, mental, and relational health, as well as wealth.

There is no regulatory board for feng shui and there are different schools of feng shui. Their practices can range from using chinese astrology to numerology, and from a magnetic compass to just relying on intuition and a bagua board. In general, Feng Shui uses the wisdom of the 5 main Feng Shui elements and the Yin-Yang beI havelief system.

Yin-Yang Energies in the Home

An understanding of the yin and the yang plays a vital role in the laws of feng shui. Yin, the feminine energy, is soft, relaxing and passive.  The yang energy is associated with “fiery directness”, speed and “the rock solid surface of the mountain”.

Both are equally important, and a home needs both. Yin energy serves mostly in places like a bedroom, where we need quiet and relaxation. Yang energy serves mostly in places like a kitchen or office, where we do busy movement and work.

On an intuitive level, we can see the usefulness of recognizing these energies in such way. The need for yin energy in the bedroom is supported by research findings.

Some people put items associated with the yang energy, like televisions, exercise machines, office desks and other electronics in the bedroom. Research shows that this arrangement isn’t helpful for good sleep. Sleep Experts recommend placing these objects elsewhere.

It’s interesting to note that while sleeping well, even our bodies reflect the yin energy.

According to psychology today, the best temperature level for sleep is in the low 60’s; “a cooler bedroom slows down your metabolism, helping you experience a deeper sleep”.

Details like this support the fact that our environment has an effect on our bodies at the base level and that our bodies reflect these energies too.

Colour and the Presence of the 5 Elements in our Homes:

Research affirms that colors are capable of affecting our perception and behaviour. For example, in feng shui, red is associated with the fire element.

Numerous research shows that the color red influences our behaviour on a primitive level. Research done at the University of Rochester shows that men find women wearing red more sexually desirable.

Seeing red raises our pulse levels, making time seem to move faster. It grabs our attention quickly by appearing closer than it really is; this can explain why drivers react more aggressively to red cars blocking them in traffic than cars of other colors.

Red activates our fight or flight reaction. It makes sense why the color red is associated with yang energy and the fire element. It also makes sense how including this color in our homes, such as the kitchen, can influence our behaviour. Research also shows that the color blue is a good choice for the bedroom, as it triggers sleep hormones.

In Conclusion:

Feng shui involves a lot of esoteric elements that current scientific research cannot, at least yet, explain. However, scientific details such as the ones I shared earlier really highlight how the elements of feng shui do have truth and relevancy to them.

It’s hard to disagree with the impact that the environment has on perception and behaviour, and how these, in turn, influence every other areas of our lives.

Published by: The Hearty Soul

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Five Feng Shui Tips to help us Create More Serenity in our Lives

Years ago, I discovered feng shui (the art of creating a harmonious environment), and my spiritual path blossomed.

Today, amidst a rather busy spiritually-based writing and teaching career, feng shui continues to provide a strong foundation for my serenity, my inspiration, and my joy.

Clearing clutter literally and symbolically clears the way for blessings to flow into my life experience. Creating beauty and harmony in my home translates instantly into experiencing beauty and harmony within.

That’s why I want to share these five feng shui tips that will help you create more serenity in your life.

1. Clear clutter from one of these key areas.

Clearing clutter is rule number one when it comes to creating serenity.

When we release the things that we no longer need, use, or love, we streamline our energy fields and mental landscapes. And getting started is often the hardest part. Once we do, we free up stuck energy, which feels great and inspires us to continue.

The only way to clear all the clutter is to start with one area at a time. That’s why, instead of clearing clutter indiscriminately, I like to select one area and make it glow with the radiance of elegance and organization.

Try starting with your fridge, your car, your bathroom storage areas, or your clothes closet. (Of course, if another area is calling to you, that’ll work too.) Then, if you want to do another area the next day (or week or month), go for it!

2. Cover your television.

Nothing improves the serenity of a room quite as instantly and thoroughly as covering a black television screen. It reclaims the room from the specter of mainstream entertainment, hides the design-killing blankness, and encourages activities other than watching television (like meditation, yoga, having a conversation, or reading a book). So if your television isn’t already covered by an entertainment center door, try covering it with an attractive tapestry or cloth.

3. Don’t have anything under your bed.

Even though I might not be able to see if there were things stored under my bed, on some level, I would know they were there. And so would you!

Storing things under a bed creates a palpable feeling of stagnation in a room. On the other hand, a bed with nothing under it makes for a more buoyant feeling—one that encourages restful and rejuvenating sleep. If you worry that there’s nowhere else for that storage stuff to go, see tip number one.

4. Sit in the power position.

Are you one of those people who always wants to see the door from your seat in a restaurant? That’s because you intuitively sense the importance of the power position.

When we can see the entrance to the place where we’re sitting, we feel safer, more grounded, and more in control of our environment. This is true whether we’re in a busy restaurant, an office space, or our living room.

So as much as possible, it’s a good idea to create seating positions that allow the seated party to see the door. But pay particular attention to the areas where you sit regularly. If it’s not possible for these areas to be power positions (in a cubicle or a living room with limited design options for example), employ a mirror to help you see the door from wherever you normally sit.

5. Let your doors have their full range of motion.

In other words, remove anything that inhibits your door from opening as fully as it otherwise might. This would include furniture, stored items, and anything bulky hanging on a door.

This is because when your door hits something every time you open it, it is subtly annoying. Over time, like water dripping on a stone, this annoyance adds up and affects your everyday energy levels and mood. Additionally, a door with an inhibited range of motion is an affirmation of limitation, which will not fail to appear somewhere else in your life.

On the other hand, free flowing doors that open easily and fully will contribute to a sense of harmonious flow. This will translate to fewer hassles in your life, and a much more serene and enjoyable life experience all around.


Author: Tess Whitehurst
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Catherine Monkman

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon GO

Discover how John Hanke, the CEO and founder of Niantic and Google veteran brought the online gaming world to it's knees. For Hanke, accurate mapping was integral to Pokémon Go. "A lot of us worked on Google Maps and Google Earth for many, many years, so we want the mapping to be good," he told Mashable. He was one of the founders of Keyhole, the company Google bought to start Google Earth, and had a hand in Google Maps before forming Niantic. The company spun off from Google's parent company Alphabet in 2015. Find out what the hype is about and how the virtual world is merging into the real world.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Learn How To Do Your Own Basic Geomancy For Your Home Or Office
We are happy to announce the release of our latest book called Practical Geomancy.

This is the first part of our geomancy online training and is the beginning of an educational series where you can learn how to do your own geomancy report, divination as well as applying geomancy remedies and devices.

This practical guide to geomancy helps you to gaining awareness of your space and environment using 12 practical steps to do a detailed analysis for your home or office.

The book has been created to provide you with an easy to follow no fluff step by step guide teaches you how to do it yourself. Save time and money and begin your own personal journey discovering the secrets of geomancy. 

Learn how to do your own form school feng shui analysis of your environment to improve every aspect of your life.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Science Of Nature

Life is so much bigger than just us! The time for evolution is now!

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

Geomancy is the scientific study of nature and the impact our environment has on us. All of nature and the universe is made up of atoms that are vibrating at a frequency and has a potential energy. Anything with a mass including sound and light literally everything has energy. Einstein's theory on relativity is E=mc2 states specifically this. Hence, quantum physics and traditional science is now starting to prove metaphysical phenomenon.

Geomancy is much older than any history we could possibly know. It even predates the Vedas, Egyptians, Greeks, Mayans, Chinese, Druids, Moors and American Indians who all utilized this ancient science that evolved into alchemy, mathematics, physics, agriculture, astronomy and even astrology. The actual geomancy that relates to our environment and the various influence on us includes geopathic, geological and geomagnetic in nature.

This can have a critical affect on our personal mental, emotional and physical well being but can also have an impact on animals, food crops and our forests. Usually when a Geomancer identifies these energies they focus on the negative and harmful aspects although there are many forms of positive and beneficial forms. We use various devices and remedies to help balance and harmonize the geomantic influences.

"Every particular in nature, a leaf, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Plants Exhibit Senses

Plants Exhibit The Same Senses As Humans And See, Touch, Smell, Hear and Even Taste.

Have you ever wondered what the grass under your feet feels, what an apple tree smells, or a marigold sees? Plants stimulate our senses constantly, but most of us never consider them as sensory beings too. In fact senses are extremely important to plants. Whatever life throws at them, they remain rooted to the spot – they cannot migrate in search of food, escape a swarm of locusts or find shelter from a storm.

To grow and survive in unpredictable conditions, plants need to sense their environment and react accordingly. Some people may not be comfortable describing what plants do as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. They certainly lack noses, eyes, ears, mouths and skin, but in what follows, I hope to convince you that the sensory world of plants is not so very different from our own.

Plants have scientifically been show to draw alternative sources of energy from other plants. Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through “nano-mechanical oscillations” vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication. However, their sense and communication are measurable in very much the ways as are humans.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Schumann Resonance

Schumann's Resonance has been repeatedly measured at 7.83 Hz which can be compared to the Alpha waves that control our mental, emotional and physical well being which is critical for the survival of our species. When out of balance humans, animals and nature start to form deformation and unnatural stress and imbalance. Geomancers have techniques and tools to help align this frequency by using the existing geopathic influences to promote the optimal environment. Geomancers use Schumann's Resonance in order to determine a geopathic, geological and geomagnetic imbalance.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Geometric Path Of Venus

"Where there is matter, there is geometry" - Johannes Kepler
The geometry of the path of the planet Venus from the Earths perspective over an 8 year period.

Venus, Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun, which makes their *actual* paths through space simple ellipses, as we're taught in school. There is nothing particularly mystical about this pattern - it's just a view of one moving object (Venus) from another (Earth) when they're both moving in elliptical paths. The other planets have their own patterns *as seen from Earth*, but seen *from space* their paths are simple, single ellipses around the Sun.

The symbol of the five pointed star has been usually associated with occultism but it also is the foundation of nature as it entails the 5 elements. These 5 elements are closely observed and utilized in the Chinese Medical System as well as the Ayurveda System of Science. By harnessing the five elements one can not only learn to heal but also improve many aspects of nature and the seasons.

Below we can see what the planets look like when we observe the rotation of planets revolving around the Sun as opposed to the planets path revolving around the Earth. See each planet forms its own pattern. The main difference in this illustration and the image above is the time frame required to create the complete pattern and formation.

We can see from this relationship in the revolution of both the moon and the planets can have an impact on the growth cycles and nature. By becoming aware of these influences and knowing when the best time to plant as well as the tuning in the subtle geopathic and geomagnetic influences we can create a harmonious and optimal environment for health, growth and harvest the benefits of this union.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cracking the Canberra Code

Plan by Walter Burley Griffin 1913
Australia’s capital and Parliament House are encoded with esoteric symbolism, hidden in plain sight.

What are the secret meanings and what purpose does it really serve?

As a background for those unfamiliar with the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), it is located in New South Wales (NSW), 280 km southwest of Sydney, with the city officially named Canberra on 12 March 1913 by Lady Gertrude Denman, the wife of the then Governor-General of Australia. The ceremony took place on Kurrajong Hill, which has since become Capital Hill. The indigenous word Kurrajong means ‘beautiful tree’.

The origin of the word ‘Canberra’ is a matter of dispute. Possibly it comes from the indigenous word Nganbira, a phonetically anglicised version meaning ‘the hollow between a woman’s breasts’. This clearly describes Canberra as a plain between the mountains, probably Mt. Ainslie and Black Mountain. There are other variations to the origin including Camberri, Nganbri and Kamberra, all of which mean ‘a meeting place’.

According to Steven Guth in his article ‘Canberra: Its Geomantic Realities’, the capital has interesting geology of a limestone plain riddled with caves, caverns, sinkholes and a large water mound.

A competition was held for the building design of the new Parliament House, the winner a New York based architectural firm by the name of Mitchell/Giurgola. The onsite works were directed by Italian born architect Romaldo Giurgola (who now resides in Goulburn, NSW) with a design burying most of the building under Capital Hill, capped by an enormous spire holding a large flagpole. The design encompasses two opposing boomerangs that symbolize open arms and the facade includes some elements of the old Parliament House.

Construction on Capital Hill commenced in 1981, and was intended to be ready for Australia Day on 26 January 1988, the 200th anniversary of European settlement in Australia. Finally the building was opened on 9 May 1988 by Queen Elizabeth II.

A Geomantically Encoded Design


Much of the original ground layout of the parliamentary site is the work of Sir Walter Burley Griffin and his wife Marion, both originally from the United States. Walter was an advocate of design in harmony with nature, while Marion an accomplished artist influenced by mysticism and spirituality.

Figure 1
Their final design, dated 1913, is based on ancient geomantic principles, with the layout oriented in a cross-shaped axis with five mountains (see Figure 1). The north–south ‘land axis’ stretches from Mt. Ainslie to Capital Hill to Red Hill to Bimberi Peak, while Black Mountain forms the east-west ‘water axis’, thereby creating two equilateral triangles with one tip on top of Capital Hill and the other on top of Mt. Ainslie. Of course, the three internal angles of an equilateral triangle each equal 60 ° (or 60 °-60 °-60 °).

There is a further numerical connection here, with the compass bearing of the land axis pointing south at exactly 216 ° (or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216). Moreover, each sign of the zodiac spans 2,160 years, which is also the approximate diameter of the Moon in miles. In addition, 360 − 216 = 144, the number in the Geomatria for ‘divine light’. A check of a Canberra street map reveals that one leg of the parliamentary equilateral triangle is 2,880 meters in length. This means that each equilateral triangle has a perimeter length of 8,640 meters, while the ‘bringer of light’, the Sun, has a diameter of approximately 864,000 miles. This demonstrates some of the cosmological ideas at play in the design.

In Peter Proudfoot’s book The Secret Plan of Canberra, he points out that the double ring around Capital Hill is consecrated space and therefore the site is of a templum (temple).

Figures 2 & 3
Not mentioned in his book is the fact that the facade of the building (Figure 2) has a cut-out ‘T’ with the Coat of Arms inside it. This ‘T’ is a Tau symbol representing the temple. In the culture of the Maya, this symbol is the Sacred Tree (Te) (as in Figure 3) and the axis mundi, or center of the world.

This aspect has Masonic overtones when we consider the central pyramidal structure and flag pole that spans 81 meters. This number appears not to be arbitrary. Why not round it off to 80? No reason is given for this choice. In that case it has a hidden meaning, accessible only to ‘those who have eyes to see’. The number 81, as well as being associated with the 9 x 9 magic square of the Moon that adds to 369, is a centered octagonal number. Later in the article we’ll see a much deeper meaning to these aspects.

The facade is also of interest as it has a double Triptych (triple temple doorway). Notice below the cut-out ‘T’ the three archways and the setback of two other sets of archways? Triple doorways are a common feature of ancient temples, Maya pyramids and Masonic lodges. The arches are also numbered from left to right in the order 5-4-3-4-5, which is the ancient Egyptian solution to creating a 90 ° corner from a right-angled triangle with knotted rope in proportions of 3, 4 and 5. So here we have a measure of two virtual triangles formed into a virtual square – perhaps the square on a Masonic tracing board.

We can extend the Masonic connections further as there is an unusual configuration on either side of the flag pole. Two square pyramids have a glass rectangular ‘monolith’ rising vertically out of them above the chambers of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Are we seeing the quadratic pillars of Jachin (Establishment) and Boaz (Strength)? In Freemasonry this conveys: ‘In strength shall this House be established’.

Figure 4
Figure 4 shows one panel above the House of Representatives chamber and has an inverted ‘M’ in the way the skylight is constructed. Positioned in the center is a double equilateral triangle. The panels probably light up at night like a beacon to show where the Senate and the House of Representatives are situated. Note that the skylight above the Senate chamber is circular while (in Figure 4) the skylight is square. Again the symbols are firmly related to the two Masonic pillars, the circle representing the zodiac ecliptic or etheric realm, the square representing the Earth or temporal realm (square).

Many have speculated on the ground plan as encompassing the ‘all-seeing eye’ and uncapped pyramid, as appears for example on the US one-dollar bill (see Figure 5). It seems there are possibly two stylized uncapped pyramids with a radiant all-seeing eye. One thing is clear: there are 13 steps up the lawn to the front facade and 13 steps down the other side. I can therefore understand the similarities to the US dollar symbolism.

Figure 5
The paths and roads leading through the inner ring tell the same story. As you can see in the satellite view (Figure 6 – below) there are 13 points through which one can enter the inner ring. Of course, 13 is a sacred number to the Masons, the Maya and in the Kabbalah. Thirteen is a natural focus around which 12 others gather. For example, King Arthur had his 12 knights and Jesus his 12 disciples. Also, 13 is a structural number in nature. For example, the Moon cycles around Earth 13 times a year, and the pine cone has a spiral ratio of 8:13. But here again, this number is taboo to the ‘uninitiated’; it’s only the ‘initiated’ who fully understand its potency.

Figure 6
Careful thought has gone into the Parliament House design using elements of the Griffins’ plan. The interplay of the ring roads and the flagpole at 81 meters reveals an important narrative. The diameter of the outer ring road is 972 meters (81 x 12 = 972) and the inner ring road 648 meters (81 x 8 = 648), a combined 1,620 meters or 20 times the length of the flagpole (81 x 20 = 1,620). This is phi (rounded off to two decimal places) at 1.62, which is roughly the same as the ratio of the inner and outer ring (rounded off to three decimal places) at 0.666 (8/12 = 0.666). The ratio of the circumference of each road is approximately 2 km and 3 km or 3:2, which is also a perfect fifth in music. It is also significant to note that (5 x 162)/10 = 81.

Harmonically, the flagpole height resonates with the diameter of the Earth when the flagpole height is cubed and multiplied by 24 ((813 x 24)/1000 = 12754.584 km – which is within 1 km of the Earth’s diameter). We can extend this further by saying that the number 81 is also a harmonic octave of the 25,290 year precessional cycle by doubling it 5 times ((81 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) x 10 = 25,920).

Figure 7
 In the photo marked Figure 7, we have an image of the six (eight-pointed) Maltese crosses that hold the flagpole at Parliament House. The cross is the insignia for the Knights of Malta, an organization headquartered in Rome. In the context of an Australian iconic constitutional building, the sculptural spire elements are inappropriate in that they symbolically confer a higher status on another institution. That the flagpole is cut off from the ground – as opposed to being grounded – indicates, from a geomantic standpoint, that the Australian flag has no sovereignty over the land it represents. The narrative in the geometry and numbers indicate the Knights of Malta are holding not a flagpole but a rod of power that secretly claims dominion (24 hours a day) over the area of the ring roads around Parliament House and, via the diameter relationships with the height of the rod, the Earth itself.

It is noted that on the Australian Coat of Arms depicting the six states is a St Andrew’s crown backed by a Maltese cross representing Queensland. Yet not even the Queensland Government has an explanation for why the cross was chosen for their Coat of Arms.

The Serpent & the Cosmic Egg


The Griffins’ design axis strongly references the vesica piscis, out of which is created the circle, triangle, square and other polygons. In medieval times the circle, square and triangle represented wisdom, strength and beauty. The double ring surrounding Parliament House and its parliamentary triangle have cosmological connections to the double ring of Stonehenge and associated equilateral triangle created by the juxtaposition of Stonehenge, the mound of Old Sarum and Grovely Castle, the triangular base representing a solstice line.

I ran a great circle line on Google maps from Stonehenge through the tower on top of Black Mountain at a heading of 63.96 °. I discovered that the line falls on the old Parliament House building, within the center of the parliamentary triangle. As mentioned earlier, the measurement of each leg of the triangle is 2,880 meters; this is implicit in the Griffins’ desire to match the Aubrey Circle at Stonehenge, which is 288 feet in diameter – the same numbers, yet a different measurement. In addition, the two equilateral triangles have a perimeter length of 17.28 km. The significance of this number, according to Martin Doutre in his article on Stonehenge, is that the dynastic Egyptian royal cubit was exactly 1.728 feet, while 1,728 is an important navigation number and a multiple of 12 (123 = 1,728). When 1,728 is multiplied by the number value for ‘divine light’ we end up with 24,883, which is within 18 miles of the official equatorial distance around Earth ((17.28 x 144) x 10 = 24,883).

The principle of ‘as above, so below’ (cosmic symbolism) is implicit in the landscape and buildings, with the circle representing the heavens and the cross related to the square representing the Earth.

The House buried within Capital Hill could be considered as representing the primordial mound out of which creation arises. Certainly the two ring roads around the hill paint a picture of the cosmic egg.

Figure 8
It’s worth taking a look at the Google maps satellite view of Canberra because an interesting image emerges which cannot be seen from ground level. In Figure 8, if you look at the top of Mt Ainslie, you’ll see a pathway that looks like a serpent (top right-hand corner), its head pointing directly towards Parliament House. When viewed along with the ‘cosmic egg’ and ringed circle with the ‘X’ in the middle, there emerges an impression of the egg and the sperm of creation. The narrative presented in the landscape is also akin to the biblical Moses holding a staff with entwined serpent; or, perhaps, as in the Garden of Eden, the serpent in a tree (the Tree of Knowledge), the tree represented by the Tau in the facade or the cross formed by the Griffins’ land and water axes.

Or are we looking at the true rulers of a Draconian (Reptilian) nature hidden in plain sight, where our nation’s rulers pay homage to a literal higher power? According to this interpretation, both opposing equilateral triangles drawn by the Griffins confer the power at the apexes and the highest point is Mt Ainslie and the flagpole (rod or staff) held by another institution.

Strangely, at the rear of the building on Parliament Drive, situated above the entrance, is an inverted Petrine Cross (shown in Figure 9). This symbol is traditionally the upside-down crucifixion of Saint Peter, but has since been adopted by modern Satanists and heavy metal bands. One wonders if this is another link to Rome or to deeper occult roots. Why is this symbol on an Australian iconic building?

Figure 9

The overview of Canberra and the parliamentary triangle reveals a striking similarity to the proposed design of a complex by the Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler, as described by the late Philip Coppens (shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11). The design, dated circa 1934, was based on the Spear of Destiny, with Wewelsburg Castle at the tip. These images demonstrate that the Nazis and the Griffins were very much aware of Teutonic mysticism. The geomantic connections with both designs are based on the power of the triangle, while the Spear of Destiny is a symbol of power and authority.

It should be noted that Canberra’s Australian War Memorial also lies on the north-south land axis below Mt Ainslie, connecting the past with the present and future. It is a symbol of what the nation is founded on, the struggle and sacrifices made by many people. They might be shocked by the way our nation’s sovereignty is supplanted by out of context symbolism.

The Griffins’ plan was to have Capital Hill as a civic/garden centerpiece for the nation’s people, with Parliament House below it. Instead, as Steven Guth explains: “Capital Hill was removed, a billion dollar building put in its place and grass planted on top. To make matters even more geomantically undesirable the whole structure is cut into the large… Lake George fault line. In the symbolic language of geomancy one could say the building is a gateway to the underworld.”

Figure 10
In all fairness it has to be said that the designers and approvers of the day were cognizant that placing a building on top of Capital Hill would be seen as looking down upon the masses and separating the legislature from the people.

Still, this is far from what the Griffins envisaged, which was to integrate the spaces by using a triangle to separate the city’s functions, with City Hill for the business section, Capital Hill for administration and Cathedral Hill (now Peace Hill) for the spiritual functions. A tram line was to link each of these parts; but unfortunately this wasn’t constructed, so Canberra appears ‘soulless’ – a common criticism of many visitors. However, this is balanced in my opinion by the protection afforded from the outer mountains and the triangle of inner hills that maintain a sense of spirit from the landscape.

Hidden Symbolism in the New Parliament House: What Does it Mean?


I have to say that what I found in my research is much more than mere geometry; it is clear that there are esoteric symbols etched into the landscape and the buildings. It appears that the Griffins’ dream was to recreate aspects of an ancient golden age or perhaps a desire for a return to one.

Figure 11
Sadly I think their utopian dream has turned into a nightmare and an example of history repeating itself. The Ngunnawal people, the indigenous inhabitants of Canberra, were displaced by European settlement over 200 years ago. Now, I find the Australian peoples’ sovereignty and governance is being displaced in a symbolic form by out of context structural icons that have nothing to do with what is uniquely Australian. For example, the dominating pyramid spire and ‘flagpole’ is really a 220 tonne rod of iron denoting ruler-ship. It is held in place by six insignia of the Knights of Malta, suggesting that they hold dominion over the parliamentary precinct.

Another symbol that stands out, with its strong connections to Freemasonry, Egyptian and Kabbalistic traditions, is the ‘T’ above the entrance of Parliament House (Figure 2). The Tau symbol is as old as time and Freemasons always mark their work with this symbol.

The water and land axes created by the Griffins (Figure 1) and the orientation of these axes to a ‘serpent’ pathway on Mt Ainslie (Figure 8) tells us there is a narrative we’re not privy to, one restricted to the ‘initiated’.

The Parliament House design with its 13 steps seems akin to a stepped pyramid. This gives the impression that the site isn’t about the people as the Griffins intended, but was usurped by the notion that the House is for the elite and in occult terms is grounding the symbols of authority and control. Like temples and pyramidal structures, it is the preserve of royalty, high priests and ‘initiates’.

While this may not mean very much to visitors or staff at Parliament House, or to the average Australian, they would view the site very differently if they were aware of its deeper symbolism. The lesson here is that everything is connected (by will, purpose and intention). As such, manifestations even in symbolic form are given power through the landscape in an elemental form and connect to a higher power with its roots in cosmology – ‘as above, so below’.

Such symbols only have power while they remain hidden. Revealed to the light they lose their power and influence – that is, when we, the ‘uninitiated’, wake up and start asking the question: ‘Why?’



    Peter Proudfoot, ‘The Secret Plan of Canberra‘, University of New South Wales Press, 1994.
    Steven Guth, ‘Canberra: Its Geomantic Realities’, New Dawn 94, January/February 2006.
    Steven Guth, ‘Canberra & the Griffins: A Theosophical View’, 2002.
    Martin Doutre, ‘Stonehenge’.
    Gary A. David, ‘The Tau (or T-shaped) Cross: Hopi-Maya-Egyptian Connections’, 2006.
    Philip Coppens, ‘The Wewelsburg: The Nazi Grail Castle’.
    ‘Parliament House Vista Area Heritage Management Plan’, Vol. 1.
    ‘Masonic Pillars of Jachin and Boaz in Relation to Cosmic Polarity’.
    Susan AKA Peacefull, ‘Canberra: Cosmological Symbolism of Mysticism’, October 2011.
    The Kignts of Malta, ‘The Pope’s Knights

About the Author: Trevor Ward


Trevor Ward lives in Western Australia and has been studying metaphysics for more than 25 years with an interest in sacred geometry, crop circles, harmonics and ancient structures. He is the author of ‘Secrets of the Great Pyramid’ published in New Dawn 117, and ‘The Secret Message of Barbury Castle Crop Circle’ published in New Dawn 121 & 122.

The above article appeared in New Dawn 138 (May-June 2013). © Copyright New Dawn Magazine,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Geomancy of The Great Pyramid of Giza

Geomancy predates our most ancient of known civilization and cultures. The following video demonstrates how The Great Pyramid of Giza where used to map out our major cities throughout the world including Washington DC, Constantinople, Mecca and the Vatican. As this video does not include all of the incidental location, I will post my own video showing how many significant cities and power centers are in alignment with this Geomatic Science.

The lines discussed in this video are known as Ley Lines. They have been used to  identify geomagnetic and geometric attributes of our planet by ancient surveyors and geomancers that were able to pin point these energy structures with incredible accuracy.

Much of the ancient knowledge has been lost but thanks to new technology such as personal computing combined with aerial and satellite imaging, we are able to reverse engineer these secrets. This knowledge has been used to align with sacred geometry to benefit those that are in the know and those that seek to know what most people consider to be nonsense. Watch the video and decide for yourself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What is Geomancy?

Geomancy (Greek: γεωμαντεία, "earth divination") is a method of divination that interprets markings on the ground or the patterns formed by tossed handfuls of soil, rocks, or sand. Geomancy is a combination of geometry and divination. The latter is much less used or substantial. The most prevalent form of divinatory geomancy involves interpreting a series of 16 figures formed by a randomized process that involves recursion followed by analyzing them, often augmented with astrological interpretations. As a method of spatial geometry it can significantly contribute to the nature and quality of land, building and cities. Terms such as geomagnetism, ley lines, EMFs and geopathic stress are experiencing a revival due to the negative effects of modernization. is a lot of questionable information available online but I believe a lot of it is designed to throw most people off as its documented origins would have been lost since and before the destruction of Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt. Even sources such as Wikipedia are no longer to be trusted as anyone can edit the information and throw off novice enthusiasts.

It Arabic it translates as ‛ilm al-raml, or the "science of the sand". Earlier Greek renditions of this word borrowed the word raml ("sand") directly, rendering it as rhamplion or rabolion. Other Arabic names for Geomancy include khatt al-raml and darb al-raml.

I am dubious of any source that refers to a science such as this which is really a form of geometry of nature as occult as they do so to undermine its relevance and appeal. The general public would dismiss it because of our judo-christian influences but it is extensively documented as it is used in historical monuments by those in authority for the planning and construction of buildings, temples and cities. Wikipedia then goes on and describes it as a form of divination but it is much more than that. African, Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Morse, Pagan, Middle Eastern, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese and Druid as well as the Mayan and Aztec civilizations utilized this knowledge extensively and are a testament to the significant contribution and influence of this technology. Scientists such as Nikolai Tesla and Wilhelm Reich were equally successful in harnessing this knowledge but ultimately undermined and defamed by those that are at present questioned for their elitist agendas.

Although Wikipedia claims that Geomancy has an Islamic or Arabic origin it is most likely that some of it was created by them and due to the expansive trade routes that Arabian merchants would have been exposed to much of it. They would have facilitated the exchange in culture and knowledge. It is theorized that related systems of divination in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Ifá and sikidy, either were based on or co-developed with Arabic divination systems. Geomancy is essentially intended for the replication of man made structures to identify, integrate and harness the power of nature.

Once practiced by people from all social classes, it was one of the most popular forms of divination throughout Africa and Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Books and treatises on Geomancy were published up until the 17th century when most occult traditions fell out of popularity due to corruption and pursecution.
It has been kept hidden within secret societies and hidden from public scrutiny due to lack of knowledge but it is our intention to set the record straight and make this knowledge as much as we know available for the enthusiasts as well as the professions involved with planning, construction of domestic and commercial buildings and strategic planning of cities and infrastructure. This technology can not only reduce the ecologic footprint but also promote health and livability. I predict that this knowledge will be revived more and more as mankind takes it upon ourselves to become more in tune with nature.